Rich Dad Poor Dad’s Robert Kiyosaki will be on our shores this year, more specifically May 29-31 2012.
National Achievers Congress Malaysia 2012
The Ultimate Source for Discovering the Keys to Achievement
There is a small percentage of any society who have identified that life has much, much more to offer and want to know NOW how to go about getting it.
They’re usually fairly easy to spot.
In business, they have an individual mindset – they’re the SME business owners, the corporation captains, the entrepreneurs, the high flying decision makers, the CEO’s.
They’re chairing the board or know they should be. They’re never satisfied with the status quo – they effect change rather than respond to it.
They can fall into the ranks of the salaried but are seeking the opportunity to prove themselves on a grander stage.
They can be outside the traditional workforce; retirees, at home parents, students.
Altogether, a small percentage, made up of many types – but all with one thing in common; the commitment to achievement on their own terms and to finding what it takes to get there.
The National Achievers Congress – a first-ever extraordinary event, coming to Malaysia, 29-31 May 2012 – is designed with this group in mind.
The National Achievers Congress is a strategically assembled program of diverse but complementary systems for success. You’ll hear from experts and specialists from all corners of the globe – each with unmatched track records in their fields.”
For more details – click here >>