Samsung Electronics recently unveiled the Samsung Galaxy S20, a new series of flagship devices that fundamentally change the way we capture and experience our world. The Galaxy S20 series introduces a brand-new camera architecture that combines AI with Samsung’s largest image sensor yet for stunning image quality. Along with the camera, the Galaxy S20 makes the experience of everything we love to do with our phones, easier and better—enjoy personalized music for every moment of the day, watch videos the way they are meant to be seen and play console-style games on-the-go.
“As we enter this new decade, 5G will completely change how we communicate and how we experience the world around us,” said Dr. TM Roh, President and Head of Mobile Communications Business, Samsung Electronics. “As all three Galaxy S20 variants come with 5G connectivity, Samsung is providing a next-generation device for transforming people’s lives. With an incredible, AI powered camera, you can capture the moments as they happen and connect more seamlessly with the people you love.”
The Galaxy S20 series features the premium technologies that Galaxy fans have come to know and expect. The most secure device Samsung has ever made, the Galaxy S20 is protected by Knox—the industry-leading mobile security platform that protects the device from the chip level through to the software level. The Galaxy S20 also features a new, secure processor which protects against hardware-based attacks.
Powered by a big, intelligent battery, the Galaxy S20 series comes with a 25W fast charger, while the S20 Ultra supports 45W Super Fast charging as well.8 The entire series is equipped with massive storage as standard (128GB for S20; 128GB, 256GB and 512GB for Galaxy S20+ and S20 Ultra).
With Galaxy S20, you can also experience Samsung’s cleanest, simplest, most intuitive interface yet with One UI 2. You can also use the Galaxy S20 to control your smart home with SmartThings, achieve your health and wellness goals with Samsung Health, pay on the go with Samsung Pay, and more.10