Mystic India: The World Tour is an internationally acclaimed Bollywood dance spectacular based on the concept of ancient India’s transition into modern India. The show features renowned musicians, brilliant dancers, breathtaking aerialists andacrobats, and 1000 opulent costumes. The colorful costumes and elaborate sets have been custom designed in India’s film capital by a team of 40 designers and workers over the course of two years. The team of diverse, impeccably trained dancerscombine authentic Indian and modern techniques bringing the streets of Mumbai and New York into perfect harmony. Audiences can expect an explosion of colors and energy as they travel on a celebratory journey through Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, and Gujarat, and even through the progression of Bollywood films via a stunning visual display that fuses dance, theater, and spectacular special effects.
Details as follows:
Date: Aug 21, 2014 – Aug 24, 2014