Music has a way of stirring our emotions, it can be good or bad mood.
Sometimes music heals every emotional hurt or feelings. Music is universal language which everyone understands. It has the ability to speak to us deeply and uniquely.
If you listen to different kind of music you would noticed that some music seems to be energize you, some music can move you to tears or spark a special memory of a time, place, food. Music make you relax, feel less stressed, and feel happier. Some music fills us with deep spiritual attunement.
Innermost feelings, when you are in emotions you need to listen to Blues music this kind of music remind you of so many events most especially our loves ones.
For instance Celine Dion, most of her songs are touching and it’s all about Love.
Most at times such music need to be heard or listen at night.
If you don’t have a specific music, I advise you to pay attention to your responses to a variety of music, this can be physically, mentally, and spiritually. To refer to when you need it, jot down the music that helps you in different ways.